Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Big things are coming

Well this is kind of an exciting for the husband and me. We have a new baby niece, which is so exciting!! I can't wait to meet her :)

Our other fantastic news is we are no longer homeless!!! This is the best news ever! We have lived in a hotel for the last month and I am not cut out to me a hotel wife!! We've had to be creative in dinners and just living arrangements.

Our new house is furnished with government issued furniture (at least for the time being). We get most of our stuff in a few weeks. Brandon will be headed back to our home state just a week later. (I know super awesome that we were here for less than two months and he's headed home). The only thing that bothers me is that he is missing my birthday. He could be gone 364 days of the year...just not my birthday or our anniversary!! I know that is ridiculous, but birthdays are my favorite, so it bums me out some. Yes I know marrying into the military this would happen someday...but I don't have to like it :).

We are also getting our first reimbursement check so I can finally have a little liberty and get things like curtains since the blinds are too short!I can't wait to have this place put together. I am waiting on pictures because I want to do before and after...I think it is much more exciting that way!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Stay at home wife

Never in my wildest dreams did I picture that as my role in life, regardless of how temporary. Stay at home mom, yes, but stay at home wife, never!!!
Well it is an adventure! Today we finally got our first shipment, which I was excited about, but now feel like I am living in a mess. Yes it has only been in our house for about 4 hours, but I am feeling like I am hitting road blocks. I was so excited when I saw our comforter in the box, that immediately I wanted to wash it. Well big does not fit all the way in our washer, which I didn't find out until most of it was soaking wet! Pretty sure it is still not dry, what a mess!! I unpacked all of our dishes and have been running the dishwasher making sure they were ready for the meal I was planning on making for dinner. I went around unpacking the rest of the boxes to find somethings are missing. I can't decide if it is a box missing or if the object is really right in front of my face! There is still so much to do and a pile of trash on our balcony waiting to be taken out.
I know not every day of being a stay at home wife is like this, but right now everything little thing is daunting!! I have no motivation to finish anything because I feel like everything I start is not working. I was hoping to have a somewhat clean and settled house before Brandon got home, but that doesn't seem like it will happen!!
Wish me luck and sanity :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A little taste of our new home

Okinawa is wonderful!! We both absolutely love our new home. There is so much to see and explore! I cannot wait for the many adventures to come! Here's just a few things we have been able to experience so far....

Some whale sharks at the aquarium! So many cool things at this.
Our view from lunch after the aquarium.

These next pictures I stole from Sarah.

Underwater observatory

Our amazing sponsors and new friends!

Glass bottom boat

Pumpkin and sweet potato roll....purple sweet potatoes are an Okinawan think.

We also bought a sweet new car!!!

Don't judge a book by its cover

When book shopping I am guilty as charged for judging a book by its cover (but that doesn't always mean it's a good book, just like covers I don't like may be an awesome book)

Well I feel the same can be said of people. My husband and I have tattoos (he has plenty more than me). At first I had a few struggles with some of his tattoos, but now I don't even think about them being there. They are part of his skin and I love that. Trust me I don't love all the content of his tattoos (nothing horrible, I just like girly, happy things), but I can appreciate the art of them. Not all of his have meaning, but my four do and I absolutely love all of them for what they represent. My first was a word "msamha", which means forgiveness in Swahili. The second was a Bible verse Eph 6:10 which states "finally be strong in the Lord and His mighty power." I am so humbled by my faith and know I do not go through my struggles alone. He got me through some of the worst times in my life. The third is a yellow gladiola for my grandma. She was teaching me to paint, but we never finished. I decided to get a flower similar to the one we were painting. The last (for now) is an anchor with a bow. My husband and I went back and forth for month on what to get and trying to suit both of us. He found these anchors one with a bow and one without. We decided that was it and to get them on our honeymoon. Because we are apart so often this tattoo means the world to me. Regardless of where we are in the world I have him with me and he has me with him.

While I know plenty of people who do not have tattoos and do not like them, you should not judge a person just because they have them. Mine are a reminder of the past, present and future. While some don't see it necessary I like them. I think they are a great way of expressing yourself. So while people may look at my husband, myself or anyone else with tattoos and judge you may miss out on a wonderful person. I am not saying you need to agree with getting tattoos or run out and get one right now..but be respectful of people's freedom.