In the past few days I have been feeling slightly frustrated. I know there are people who don't support me getting married. I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion but when it comes to my relationship with the love of my life they don't know what happens. There are two people in a relationship and only they know what it is about. I very much appreciate the concern, but I also don't appreciate people doubting my decision. I get where everyone is coming from, but I need people to stop and minute and see where I am coming from.
Marriage is once in a lifetime to me. I don't jump into this lightly, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is the person I am meant to be with. Yes we have a story, that some make shake their head at. At the end of the day our past, collective and individually, is what made us the people we are today. People who love each other unconditionally. No our relationship isn't easy (mostly just the distance). We are well past the honeymoon stage of things. While most people think we rushed this, I think it is something that has taken a long time to get there. For the past nine years we have had a mutual attraction, but it took us dating other people and growing on our own to find our way to be with each other.
So while people on the outside can speculate all they want they don't know what our relationship is like and until you stop and ask you don't really have a valid say.
I know this isn't the most uplifting of things, but it is becoming a burden to feel like i have to make people happy with this decision. Today I talked to a dear friend and she told me I have to start with myself. I truly think if I stop worrying about making everyone else happy they will see the happiness from me. I am the one living with this decision and I can't be any happier with who I get to spend everyday for the rest of my life with. :)
Thanks for letting me vent.
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