Monday, May 7, 2012

Just an update

I had a very fabulous and unproductive weekend.  I got to spend time with a friend I haven’t seen in a while and another that I just saw and usually don’t see often. 
Friday I had the kiddos….I got slushy in my hair from a tickle fight, we had a small kitchen fire (noodles), and a five year old swearing.  The oldest and youngest were super awesome, which makes my life easier.  After I left I got to support my friend at a craft fair (she even let me pay).  My favorite part of the night was picking up Ms. Molly to see the Avengers!  So awesome and I am so glad I got to see it with her. She is my movie buddy.
Saturday I hung out around the house (I was slightly productive), I got a late start on my spring cleaning.  I looked at a house. Then off to watch another set of my kiddos.  We had a pretty good night.  I came home and fell asleep on the couch watching a movie.
Sunday I got to spend the day shopping with one of my good friends.  We went to the outlet mall and got new Coach bags and I got some work clothes. We went back to her house and I played with her daughters and ate dinner.  I came home pooped thus my room is still a disaster.
As much as I have to do, it is nice to be able to enjoy time with the people who matter to me. I have a crazy kid packed week.  Today is my only day with no kids until Sunday! But I can’t wait.  I will try to share the crazy stories of watching them.
I have some craft projects planned for this week, so hopefully I can find time to do them and maybe even put them on here.

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